How can I help?
I enjoy working in partnership with my clients to improve their feet knowledge and hygiene. This has allowed me to see many positive results from their self care commitment.
Education is a key focus in my practice. You maybe "inundated" with fun facts and knowledge about feet, legs and physical movement and walking. This includes anatomy, causes and diagnosis, treatment strategies, shoes, exercises and more.
Applied knowledge to feet and body can create a life with less pain, improved function and better movement especially as we become older.
In 2022, Diabetes ranked as the seventh leading cause of death in Australia. Having an annual diabetes foot health check with a podiatrist is extremely helpful to identify potential problems that could lead to possible ulcerations and amputations.
Treatments for painful heels/ Plantar Fasciitis, feet, achilles, knees and bunions, are mostly done without orthotics (as long as the client is willing to put in the work).
If you have ingrown nails ( so much fun to treat), corns, callus, cracked heels, shoe issues, or thicken fungal nails, I can help!
Functional assessments on feet to body biomechanics (how you stand and walk) are what I LOVE to do!
Alignment corrections with a "new way" of standing and walking are learnt and practiced to improve function and minimise and /or eliminate the pain!
However if you are just needing some TLC for your feet, then a general foot treatment on a regular basis will reap benefits of "happy feet"!
Lastly, shoes and footwear matter!
Understanding shoes - the what, why and where to get the "best shoe for my feet"! You can find this under the Shoe and Free Info Tabs.
When you look after your first mode of transport, it will bless your activities of life in return!