Services and Locations
Our initial consultations are approximately 45mins.
Problems that I can help with are:
Foot Pain
Diabetes Assessments and long term footcare support
Ingrown toenail, corns and warts
Plantar Fasciitis
Knee and Leg pain
Feet out of joint alignment
Muscle imbalance in feet
Footwear problems
Biomechanics issues affecting feet and body alignment
Nail care and skin care
All ages welcome.
So what is good for my feet?
#1 cause of foot PAIN is shoes!
A conversation about SHOES, is one I love having with people.
Let's be honest, we have been told so many "things" about shoes that have not help with creating "happy'" feet.
Fashion and status has influenced the shape of shoes throughout history and in return you may have suffered pain and damaged due to strutting in a fashionable shoe.
So here is an analogy that I think will open up your understanding of how important the shoe really is.
Picture a chicken in a cage? How much movement does the cage allow?
Unfortunately not much, and this prevents the chicken from normal movement.
Now, picture a free range chicken that has access to spread its wings and free to roam. This chicken will be stronger and have a functioning body.
The same goes with your feet, they need an environment to spread in, thus maintaining strength and function.
SO REMEMBER, create an environment for having free-range feet as often as possible.
Shoes for purchasing are available soon. These options are flat, wide and flexible to allow for your feet to have room to move while doing their #1 job...moving you!
If this information rings alarms bells for your feet,
Book a session with me and lets explore options together for you.
Monday - Perfect Medical Care
Ph: 8964-7011
36 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy
Tuesday & Friday - Kariong Physiotherapy Centre
Ph: 4340-1643
3 Mitchell Drive, Kariong
Wednesday - Invitation To Health
Ph: 4322-0700
256 Henry Parry Drive, Wyoming
Thursday - Lisarow
Ph: 0421 769 976
339 Fagans Road, Lisarow