
If you have questions, you can connect with me via email at


to see me at one of my many locations


PH: 8964-7011

36 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy (Perfect Medical Care)

Tuesday & Friday

PH: 4340-1643

3 Mitchell Drive, Kariong (Kariong Physiotherapy Centre)


PH: 4322-0700

256 Henry Parry Drive, Wyoming (Invitation to Health)

Thursday -1st & 3rd each month

PH: 0421 769 976

339 Fagans Road, Lisarow

Eftpos and  HICAPS available 

NOTE: some Health Funds are not acceptable at some locations

Fees and Services

Initial Diabetic Consultation: $80.00

Initial Consultation: $80.00

Functional Assessment and treatment: $120

Subsequent Consultation/Treatment: $70

Shoes and toe socks are  available for purchase