Helpful Free Info

This space will be dedicated to providing free information on how you can better care of your feet and body.

I will have links to articles if you are a deep dive into the world of feet and movement.

Let's start wth the Basics.

What is the #1 cause of foot problems?

The culprit is SHOES!

I often hear

"my shoes are so comfortable" or

"they were expensive" or

"but I had my feet measured"

however this does not mean that the shoe is a GOOD FIT!

Here is a free link to my "HUTS" Shoe guide that will be beneficial for feet.

You can have a look at what shoes are available for purchase under SHOES tab.

I have specifically chosen my "FAVES" of shoes that would suit those who are just coming into the world of less structured shoes to the very barefoot feeling type shoes.

Here are other options on other brands that are available to you online



So what should I be wearing on my feet?

#1 cause of foot PAIN is shoes!

A conversation about SHOES, is one I love having with people.

Let's be honest, we have been told so many "things" about shoes that have not help with creating "happy'" feet. 

Fashion and status has influence  the shape of shoes and in return you may have suffered pain and damaged due to strutting on a fashionable shoe.

So here is an analogy that I think will open up your understanding of how important the shoe really is.

Picture a chicken in a cage? How much movement does the cage allow? 

Unfortunately not much, and this prevents the chicken from normal movement.

Now, picture a free range chicken that has access to spread its wings and free to roam. This chicken will be stronger and have a functioning body.

This relates to our feet, they need an environment to open up in, in order to maintain strength and function.

SO REMEMBER to aim for having free-range feet as often as possible.

Shoes for purchasing are available soon. These options are flat, wide and flexible to allow for your feet to have room to move while doing their #1 job...moving you!


Cracked heels and dry skin.

This common and sometimes "painful" problem is due to the skin receiving not enough hydration to the skin and constant trauma to the skin (usually thongs) causing thickening of skin and cracks to start forming around the heels.

The SECRET to soft hydrated skin is as simple as you brushing your teeth twice a day (morning and night). 

Its DOING IT EVERYDAY- twice is best!

So when you brush your cream your feet!

 If you have trouble reaching your feet, you can try these tricks...

  • ask someone to put cream on your feet from ankles to toes
  • use a slightly damp hand towel and apply cream to it. While in a sit or stand position, place feet on the towel and move around to put the cream on.
  • a wooden or long plastic spoon- place cream in it and reach down to feet.

What is the BEST cream to use?

Something is always better than nothing, BE CONSISTENT and you will get the results.

Cream that contain UREA are more hydrating and absorbed into the skin, however  petroleum creams based tend to be less absorbent for the skin.

However, whatever you have at the back of your cupboard will be better than nothing.

So put your cream of choice out in a visible place ( maybe next to your toothbrush) and create hydrated skin.

Anything with UREA will be helpful but if you have really cracked heels, you can use a  foot file daily after a shower to your feet until they healed and softer. 

You can always consult with a local podiatrist if you are unsure or if the cracks are not manageable.

Here are some options containing Urea if you need them